Orte » Historical Walking Tour

eingestellt am 12.12.2019 von Matthias Kunert (QM Johannstadt), zuletzt geändert am 07.03.2024

The aerial attacks of February 13-14, 1945, left the majority of Johannstadt in rubble and ashes. An entire neighborhood almost ceased to exist, leaving only traces behind. But Johannstadt lived on, and in the years that followed it developed into an important, centrally-located residential and industrial area. With the support of the state and federal program, “Soziale Stadt Nördliche Johannstadt”, information panels will be placed at 12 historical locations and connected by a path starting and ending at Trinitatisplatz, with the aim of bringing the neighborhood’s varied past to light. The idea originated locally: 2017 till 2020, a public working group comprised of the Johannstadtarchiv, interested residents, the offices of evergreen landschaftsarchitekten and Quartiersmanagement Nördliche Johannstadt has been compiling relevant information and photographic material. Information is translated into Russian, Arabic and English, and published on this website.

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Head directly to the individual locations:

  1. Trinitatisplatz
  2. Johanngarten
  3. Lili-Elbe-Straße
  4. Pfotenhauerstraße
  5. Arnoldstraße
  6. Thomas-Müntzer-Platz
  7. Stadtteilhaus, formerly Blumenstraße
  8. Bönischplatz
  9. Florian-Geyer-Straße
  10. Güntz- / Sachsenplatz
  11. Gerok- / Marschnerstraße
  12. Gerok- / Silbermannstraße

The first panel at location no. 2 “Johanngarten”, located behind the Johannstadt rescue center, was unveiled in 2017. The second panel at location no. 8 Bönischplatz followed in 2020. In 2021/2022, the panels at the locations no. 1, 3-6 und 9-12 will follow. The panel at location no. 7 will follow with the construction of the new “Stadtteilhaus” until 2025.

Unveiling of the Johanngarten info column on 25.6.2017, in the presence of senior planning officer, Raoul Schmidt-Lamontain (Photo: Matthias Erfurth)

Text: Matthias Kunert, QM Johannstadt

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